866-906-5228 (Sales)
844-632-2235 (24/7 Service)

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Customer Success Team

Reach out to our customer success team if you're interested in starting a slot machine business.

Call our customer success team: 866-906-5228
Email our customer success team: hello@accelentertainment.com

Customer Support

Reach out to customer support if you're an Accel location with a service issue. Our team is available 24/7. We never outsource our customer support!

Call our customer support team: 844-632-2235

Route Purchasing

Interested in selling your route? Reach out to us to discuss. 

Call us: 866-906-5228
Email us: hello@accelentertainment.com


Accel takes legal compliance very seriously. For questions about compliance matters pertaining to Accel's business, applicable policies, or related issues, please contact us at hello@accelentertainment.com.

How Can We Contact You?