Accel Entertainment Illinois Gaming Blog

Four Ways to Make the Most of This Busy Bar Day

Written by Brian Summerfield | Nov 15, 2017 4:52:32 PM

Give thanks! One of the busiest annual bar days is right around the corner: “Thanksgiving Eve,” which falls on Nov. 22 this year. Though it’s not observed as a holiday-by-association in the same way as Christmas Eve (or the day after Thanksgiving, for that matter), many people do take off work that day in order to travel and/or prepare for a day of eating turkey, watching football, eating turkey, napping, eating turkey, arguing about politics, eating turkey, reminiscing about times gone by and...eating more turkey.

Thanksgiving Eve has received more attention in recent years because it tends to be a day when people hit the bars. There are a number of reasons for that. Weary travelers want to unwind. Old friends can reconnect while they’re back in town. There’s no pressure to wake up early the next day (unless you’re cooking). The uptick in business hasn’t gone unnoticed by bar owners, some of whom have dubbed it “Black Wednesday” in association with the retail frenzy that happens 48 hours afterwards.

As we hurtle toward Thanksgiving Eve, how can you take advantage of the rush to maximize your video gaming revenue now and in the future? Here are four ways:

Advertise at Transportation Hubs

Train stations. Bus terminals. In-bound highways. Basically, anywhere an out-of-towner can see the name of your establishment, where you’re located and the fact that you have video slot machines. That last one is especially important, as many people will be coming in from areas that don’t have any kind of video gaming available. The novelty of the experience, and the chance to maybe win a little money, could draw these patrons into your bar.

Get Social

Another way to get them into your bar to play your games is to post on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms leading up to the event. The information you share can vary. Perhaps one post or platform might talk about a drink special you’re going to have on Thanksgiving Eve, and another could go through the different kinds of video slot machines you have. Whatever the focus of the updates, the point is to build up a kind of “mini-campaign” that your online followers — who are hopefully your regulars — can see and share with their friends and family. That should, in turn, bring many of them in before the holiday.

Can't think of what to post? Visit our blog, What to Post to Promote Your Licensed Gaming Location on Social Media.

Celebrate #NationalJukeBoxDay

Since TouchTunes has officially marked the day before Thanksgiving #NationalJukeBoxDay, you might want to celebrate by offering free credits to your patrons or perhaps coordinate a lip-syncing contest for prizes. Regardless of how you to plan to celebrate, studies show that playing music increases alcohol consumption and in turn, increases your profit.

Send ‘Em Home With Swag

If you can, give away things like hats, shirts, refrigerator magnets with 2018 calendars, bottle openers, beer koozies and anything else with your branding that they might keep around for a while. If they take it back home with them, they’ll likely see it regularly throughout the following year. Then, when the next Thanksgiving Eve rolls around, there’s a good chance that they’ll find themselves back in your bar, once again playing your games before the feast to come.